Apr 3, 2009

Meeting Colby Rex Hutson: aka, my best friend!

Today Tristan got to welcome his very best friend Colby into the world! What a special day it was. Jenny, Jack, Tristan and I rushed up to the hospital to wait for baby Hutson to make his debut. I love this picture, it's Kurt coming out to tell everyone his son had arrived! Beside him is Lindsay's sweet momma jumping with excitement; so precious! The next night, Tristan, Justin and I met at the hospital right after work to get to snuggle with baby Colby. And oh my, he is the cutest, tiniest little thing ever. Made my little man look like a giant! It is amazing how fast they grow up! Here is the proud momma with her sweet baby boy, is she glowing?! I'm so proud of you Linds!The new Hutson Fam
The boys first real meeting: in a year they will look the same age I'm sure, it's amazing how different just a few months can be at this age. Best buddies in the making.Our boys with their boys....I love it! Proud DaddiesColby Rex is the last of the 6 lifegroup baby boys from the past year. Here are 3 out of 6
Aaron/Parker, Justin/Tristan, Kurt/ColbySome of our lifegroup girls celebrating with Linds
And a partial lifegroup boy pic...there's at least one thing Tristan and Colby have in common...hmmm not sure if that's a good thing or not, toughen up boys!Colby Rex we love you! You are the sweetest little thing and I know you and Tristan have lots of playing to look forward to. We're so thankful to have you in our lives now. Your Aunt Rae-Rae and Uncle J-Fo look forward to watching you grow up. Congratulations Hutsons, we're so happy for you and your sweet new family!


Sheridan said...

I love the pic with the boys and their dads! Tristan C-R-A-C-K-S M-E U-P!

Jen said...

They are both such cuties!! They're going to have so much fun together!