Sep 30, 2008

Love from the Loves

"A generous man will prosper; he who refreshes others will himself be refreshed."
Proverbs 11:25
I have absolutely been blown away by the kindness, thoughtfulness, and generousity that so many of you have shown us over these past two weeks! God has shown his love to us through so many of you! One specific family who has shown us so much love and thoughtfulness is the Love family.

Sweet Zack was in my 2nd grade class at Chandler two years ago. He's also been in my AIM class the past two years since then, so we've formed a special bond we both treasure. I'm convinced he's going to be famous one day on Broadway or in Hollywood, so I tell him to remember me when he makes it big! He's the sweetest kid and has such a tender heart...I just love him.

His mom was my room mother when I taught Zack in 2nd grade and has always gone completely above and beyond to help me and our class. From doing DRA testing with my whole class, to throwing me birthday parties at school to letting me borrow anything I need, she's been the biggest support. And now is no exception. She's blown me away with her kndness and done so many things to make me smile. From the flowers and pumpkin spice lattes she knows I love, to buying me a whole series of this awesome book I've been reading, to giving us tons of new preemie clothes for Tristan...I told her today I'm almost embarrassed by her kindness. But so thankful. So to the Love family...I love you guys, thank you for loving on me so much and thinking of me constantly. I can't tell you how much it means to me! As the quote above says, you have refreshed me so much, I pray it comes back to you a hundred tims over!!

1 comment:

Skip, Stephanie, Emerald, Calvin, and Zachary said...

I don't know if you remember me, my name is Stephanie and I emailed about a month ago about your radio flyer shower. I was getting back into shower mode (after a vacation) and went back to your website for pictures. I am so sorry to hear about your hospital stay/bedrest. However, I am happy to hear that you are able to keep your little boy inside for now. I wish you the best and know that, even though I don't know you, I will be praying for you. Best wishes until you can hold your healthy baby boy in your arms.