Dec 4, 2009

Baby it’s COLD outside!


Tristan loves to be outside.  Ever since he was a little baby, he’s loved being outside.  His first laugh happened outside, it just makes him so happy.  And that hasn’t changed even though it’s stinkin’ COLD outside!  The other day when it was freezing, he begged at the back door to go out when I let Vegas out.  Soooo, we loaded up with some winter gear and headed outside.  I just laugh…all boy goes straight for the old chair that’s filled with freezing cold water from the rain and starts splashing!  Silly boy!  I’m happy he’s an out-doorsy kind of guy.  Now for just two more months of this COLD weather..ahhh!  Here’s some cutie pics of my boy all bundled up for the cold.

outside-7 outside-4 outside-5 outside-6

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