Jul 22, 2007

Sunday Sendoffs

Today our church and life group had the opportunity to "send-off" two sets of friends into their business and ministry. This morning, our church prayed for our friends Mel and Marybeth who are following God's call to move to Africa for 2 years. It's been amazing watching God take them from curiosity, to possibility to reality now! They will be learning language and teaching at a private school for at least two years. What an amazing opportunity they will have to not only share Christ in a faraway land but experience a different culture. We're sad to say goodbye, but mostly excited about this opportunity God is giving them! I'm so proud of you girls!Then, tonight, our lifegroup had the chance to pray for and "send-off" our friends Kurt and Lindsay as they prepare to open their Kids-R-Kids preschool here in Allen. I'm also so amazed by God's faithfulness and plan watching Him lead them through the past year getting ready to open. Not only will they have an amazing pre-school and business, but also the chance to impact the lives of so many people here in Allen! We're excited to pray for them and support them in any way we can as they prepare to open (hopefully on) July 30th.

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