Jan 22, 2007

UIL Competition

This past Saturday, I coached my little team of 3rd grade storytellers in Allen's UIL competition at Allen High School. For those of you who aren't school teachers, UIL's like a academic competition between kids all over the district. I coached storytelling this year, which was a fun one to do. One of my third graders here won 5th place, and a 2nd grader from my class won 1st place!! I'm very proud of them and their hard work. And, it was a fun way to earn an extra hundred dollars! :)


The Rowe Crew said...

I'm SOOOO proud of you! That is way exciting and those kiddos were so lucky to have to as "coach"!

ThePoeFam said...

look at you, you overachiever! I'm impressed! So glad they did so well! :)