Hey everyone,
After trying many different ways to find an application that was easy to blog with using my new computer, I've decided to switch our family blog off of blogger and made a new website for our family. If you'd like to see what's going on with us, and for all you grandparents and aunties out there, see pics of T, you can follow us at: http://web.me.com/theformanfam. It's a work in progress, but it's where I'll be posting all our adventures from now on. Once you get to the site, click on the blog tab at the top and it will take you to our new family blog.
Justin, Sharee and T
Mar 20, 2010
Forman Family Blog...LOCATION CHANGE...
Feb 25, 2010
Mommy Date...
So Justin and Kurt headed off to Waco last night to watch Baylor pull a victory over those Aggies in basketball, so T and I decided we needed to get out for some treats and playtime! Where else would a 16 month old think was the coolest? That's right folks...Micky D's!
I thought Tristan would get face first into that 99 cent ice cream cone, but my sweet polite little one wouldn't touch it. Mr. meticulous here wanted to use the straw like a spoon to get each and every bite...silly boy! I love learning all the funny little things about him that makes him Tristan.
Then we headed over the playzone, which was really too big for us, but there was this one little happy meal plaything he went crazy about. I love that it doesn't take a whole lot to totally make his day...or night. Could have stayed here for hours if I'd let him!
Although it would have been even more fun with daddy, I'm glad we got to have our little "night out" just the two of us!
Love you little man, hopefully the first of many Mommy Dates to come!
Feb 23, 2010
Feb 22, 2010
Happy Birthday Coco!
Tristan, Justin and I had a blast helping Aunt Courtney celebrate her 24th birthday last weekend! We started the day early with a special breakfast just for her! Tristan didn't mind having cinnamon rolls for breakfast either! :)
Then after Coco left for work, we got busy making her favorite cake: Confetti cake with Funfetti icing! Tristan was such a su-chef and helped whisk and stir.
Then after work, we all went out to dinner at El Norte, my new favorite Mexican food place, and came home for some gifts and birthday cake! Silly boy wouldn't even try a bite! Must have been oober tired, beccause the next day he ate it up.
We can't say enough how much we LOVE YOU Aunt Coco. You are a light in our life and such a blessing to us! We will always cherish these sweet months we got to have you right here in our family! XOXOXO and HAPPY BIRTHDAY you young thing! :)
Feb 17, 2010
Happy Heart Day Shared with Friends!