Apr 17, 2009

He is Risen!

This year was not the stereotypical "baby's first Easter" type of experience, but nonetheless a great day to say Thank You Jesus for dying for our sin, and rising again! Having Tristan makes me so much more appreciative, thankful and in awe of the sacrifice God made for us in giving us His Son, what a gift! I can't wait until Tristan can begin to understand this kind of love!

So as I mentioned, this year was not exactly the egg-hunting, dressing up, picture taking, fun in the flowers kind of Easter. Justin had to make a trip to Florida, so my parents came in town to hang out with little guy and I. Easter morning, I was working the children's welcome desk table at church, so I sported the beautiful brown ABC Kids t-shirt and jeans. And, I had to get there early so I didn't even get a chance to take pictures of Tristan and my parents. Luckily, Pop had his camera handy as we were getting ready and was able to snap a couple of Tristan all dressed up. He looked so cute!

After church, Tristan and I were happily surprised to find daddy home when we walked in the door, we were SO EXCITED! He had left Florida at 2am so he could be home with us in time! We all had a yummy Easter lunch, and Tristan's dress-up clothes lasted no longer than lunchtime before they were spit-up on. Oh, and to end our Easter lunch, Tristan was practicing his sitting up skills on the table and took a nose-dive face plant right smack dab onto the table. Poor baby cried his head off, but we couldn't help but laugh. It was so funny. I feel bad even saying it but it was. So, we will save our sweet flowery, egg-filled pictures for next year and simply be thankful for Jesus, family, and time together.

Getting ready...(thank you Brittney for our cute Easter blazer)
Our handsome man all dressed upI call this "My Little Game Show Host"
So excited to find DADDY HOME! Tristan smiled so big and had so much fun playing and snuggling with dad.Joining our Easter lunch...sipping from dad's cup, such a big boy!
And a few outside shots (notice the dress-up clothes already off)I love you Pop!And finally, Tristan says "I'm done" and we call it a day. Three big naps for all of us!
Happy Easter everyone!

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