Dec 23, 2008

just to see him SMILE!!!

That's right folks, yesterday was a big day for us at the Forman house experiencing and watching Tristan's first real smiles! Grandad gets the badge of honor and bragging rights for making him smile first. I was holding Tristan in the kitchen yesterday morning when Grandad Greg came in and started talking to him. I just swore Tristan smiled right at him, alert as ever. But, we just thought it was a fluke because he only did it once.

Then, later that afternoon I started tickling him, and he smile two big smiles for me! Ohhh, the joy and pride in a mother's heart! For two months now he's cried and slept and sat there. And now to see him smile just melts your heart. Justin got to see this precious smile for the first time last night, when again Grandad got him to smile so big! Now the next big day will be when we get that cutie cute smile on camera! Of course this proud momma will post as soon as he does.

1 comment:

Diana said...

yea, pictures???? Merry day before christmas eve!